Renewing You Cannabis License

  Wait for your renewal window to open You can renew your license starting 60 calendar days before it expires.  When the renewal window opens, an automated email will be sent to the email address on record for the licensee’s designated responsible party (DRP). Review and update your information Make sure all your information in the DCC licensing system is up-to-date. Check that your documents are current. Ownership and financial interest holder verification is required at the time of renewal. If changes have occurred, please use this form: Notification and Request to Modify a License Form (DCC-LIC-027). Gather your Gross Revenue documents During renewal, you will need to upload documentation demonstrating the licensee’s gross revenue for the 12-month period of expiring license. Acceptable documentation includes a state tax return filed with the California Department of Tax and Fee Administration or a profit and loss statement.Note: Cultivators and Eve…
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Getting Your Images Just Right

Having trouble making your listing look good? Here's a few tips to making the perfect listing. Upload retina display graphics (under 16MB) Use a horizontal orientation every time. When uploading images make sure they have the same height and width in pixels When using a logo, make it centered and smaller in a horizontal graphic so that it doesn't get cut off.
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Don’t Use Urine as Fertilizer

Urine is not an acceptable fertilizer for your cannabis plants. First of all, urine contains bacteria that can make you sick. Handling it is like handling toxic waste. Why do you think we have treatment plants for human waste. They can't just put in the river so why put it on your cannabis plants? Don't do it. And what if you get busted by Cannabis Control with e.coli, salmonella, or some other strain of infectious bacteria. They may require you destroy your crop. Don't take a chance. Always use packaged fertilizer that's safe for gardening, gardeners, and your customers that are going to buy your buds.
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What’s the Cannabis Universal Symbol

The Cannabis Universal Symbol takes many shapes and forms in various states. Maine has "Contains THC" on it. Oregon has an exclamation point and a cannabis leaf. The California symbol has a triangle with an exclamation point and cannabis leaf. The Universal Symbol must be on your cannabis packaging to be sold legally in California. According to the DCC: The universal symbol for cannabis alerts people that the product contains cannabis. It must be on the primary panel of all cannabis goods sold in California. Do not alter the symbol, other than changing the size. It must be at least ½ inch by ½ inch in size. To make it easy we've made the symbol available for download here. You can also get the universal symbol on the DCC website. universal_symbol.jpg universal_symbol.png universal_symbol.pdf
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Make You Cannabis Farm Almost Free to Run

Anytime you start a business you are going to spend money. You have to spend money to make money, right? Well, that's not always the case. Here's ways to start a grow farm for practically cost nothing! And if you're frugal you can save tons of money over the life of your growing endeavor. Move to a piece of land that has a well. Well water will give your farm free water for life. Use seeds you already have from previously grown successful plants or clone good plants. Make sure the home on your property has solar panels. This will give you free electricity. This is especially true if you're growing indoors. Pay your licensing and certification fees on time to avoid late fees and fines. Buy a security system. When it's connected to the solar array it won't cost a dime. It may help you find the neighbors stealing your plants. It may help you find rodents or wild animals destroying your fields. Make sure they have infrared and you'll be able to track down what's ca…
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Steps to Success in Cannabis Cultivation

Follow these steps to success in cannabis growing. These steps will fast track you to excelling in your grow operation. Get your license to grow Get your OCal certification Get your packaging (about $1.81 each) Pick a great brand name that represents you and get your label made (about $.60+ each) Start a grass roots advertising campaign on social media List your business online in the Free Cannabis Directory Contact a distributor about buying your cannabis Ask the distributor how much they can buy and how much they can pay Package your cannabis into 3.5g, 7g, and 28g packages Label the packages Deliver your cannabis to the distro Collect your check from the distro
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Get Your Cannabis Operation OCal Certified

What is OCal certification and why is it important to you're farming organization? Ocal is a California program that certifies your farm. It allows you to sell your cannabis as comparable to organic in the state. What's comparable to organic? Simplified, it gives your farm organic status without calling it organic while at the same time certifying it consistent with, and following uniform standards comparable to the National Organic Program Currently, cannabis cannot be labeled organic. Only the USDA can certify farm products organic. Cannabis is illegal under federal law and so the term organic cannot be used on any cannabis labeling. The California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) was required by law to establish a certification program for cannabis that is comparable to the National Organic Program and the California Organic Food and Farming Act. However, only the National Organic Program can authorize use of the word “organic” on product packaging. The term …
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